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My etsy store was looking tired and needed freshening up, so I closed it for 3 days and sorted it out.  I’m pleased to say that it’s looking good – vibrant and fresh and a lot more professional.  I sought advice from a fellow British artist and drew up a realistic price list too…now my work is more expensive, but it reflects quality and professionalism.   Such a steep learning curve I’ve been on over the last year!!  With my exhibition coming up it has made me review many things, value included.  It would be daft to sell things on etsy for a tiny fraction of the prices at the exhibition….

Anyway, I have restocked it with 2 brand new paintings and 3 of my latest wooden panel designs.

Please feel free to visit

Here are the 2 brand new pieces:

Whilst I work on The Silent Landscape exhibition pieces I will work on smaller works, some of which will go straight to etsy.   

Natasha Newton and I had a meeting this week to start the process of the exhibition and we have a lot to do, but I’m confident it will all be done in time and it will be a success.  We are very excited 🙂

More news on this soon, meanwhile you can keep up with the progress here and see my own body of work grow here.